5 More Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners

Every beginning sewer should own the proper tools to make sewing easier!
But as a beginner, you might not know what those tools are. I previously posted about the 7 Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners and found there are five more tools I can’t live without in my sewing studio.
All of these tools are owned by me and pictures are from my sewing studio.
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Sewing gauge

The Dritz sewing gauge is used for small measurements. When I am folding fabric for hems, I use the sewing gauge and adjustable slider to make sure my hem is the same measurement throughout.
Straight pins

Every sewer needs straight pins! At least in my opinion. I like to have all my projects lined up just right and always use pins for this purpose. My favorite out of all the pins I’ve used is Dritz color ball pins. The color balls are easy to grab and spot on the floor if you drop one.
The seam ripper

The Dritz seam ripper is a must have. We all make mistakes especially if you are just starting out. The seam ripper gives me peace of mind because I know if I make a mistake I can just rip it out! As you can see in the picture, mine gets a lot of use because the cover is cracked! This one is small but it gets the job done. Dritz makes bigger seam rippers as well.
Sewing clips

The sewing clips are great if you use leather or vinyl for your sewing projects. The clips hold the pieces together without poking holes in your the leather. I have used hair clips and binder clips but since have found these sewing clips work the best!
Thread cutting scissors

These Fiskars thread cutting scissors are my favorite. The curve of the blades helps you cut the thread as close as possible to the fabric without damaging the fabric. And they are super sharp!
These sewing tools are just a few of the basics to help you get started. As you grow as a sewer, you’ll soon start adding more tools to your sewing tool collections. If you have a favorite, please feel free to share below. Happy sewing!