How to Shorten a Zipper

How to Shorten a Zipper

Shorten a zipper to the exact length you need for your sewing project with this easy tutorial. Sometimes a sewing project requires a zipper length that you may not have on hand. I recently made a zipper pouch and I wanted to use a 10 

How to Clean Your Sewing Machine

How to Clean Your Sewing Machine

Clean all the dust and thread out of your sewing machine with these easy instructions. Cleaning my sewing machine? What? I had no idea I was supposed to be doing that when I first started sewing. Now I realize how important it is to keep 

8 Sewing Studio Supplies to Add to Your Collection

8 Sewing Studio Supplies to Add to Your Collection

In a previous post – 7 Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners and 5 More Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners – I talked about the tools every beginning sewer should own. The more you sew, the more projects you try, the more you build 

5 More Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners

5 More Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners

Every beginning sewer should own the proper tools to make sewing easier! But as a beginner, you might not know what those tools are. I previously posted about the 7 Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners and found there are five more tools I can’t 

7 Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners

7 Must Have Sewing Tools for Beginners

Must have sewing tools to make your sewing life easier. When I first started sewing, I would lay my fabric out on the floor and use regular scissors to cut. The things I was making back then did not require a perfectly straight cut so 

7 Sewing Hacks Every Sewer Should Know

7 Sewing Hacks Every Sewer Should Know

Sewing hacks are so helpful. I wish I knew these sewing hacks when I first started sewing! If you are a beginner and just learning to sew or if you have been sewing for a while (like me), there are always ways to make your